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Gratitude Practice

Writer's picture: Lisa FerraroLisa Ferraro
People, Places and Things

I created this exercise as part of a class I taught on appreciation.

It's a simple way to keep the focus on all that is serving us and bringing Joy.

Here it is!

Gratitude Exercise: Focus on People, Places and Things
~ Begin by call to your heart's mind one person for whom you are grateful. The first person who comes to mind.

1) Allow our mind to roll along with all of the memories of why this person comes to mind and give thanks for all the energy of Love this person brought to your life.

2) Next, think of a place for which you are grateful.

What is it about this place in particular? Is it the people you would meet at this place or simply a presence which becomes palpable?
3) Next, recall a thing for which you are grateful.

It could be a functioning can opener or a refrigerator which is in proper working order. ;-)

MANY times when I’m doing laundry, or really placing laundry into the drum of the washing machine which ultimately will “do the laundry”, I give thanks that I’m not scrubbing the clothes on an old fashioned washboard followed by putting them through a ringerwasher! Gratitude…

Experiment with Person, Place and Thing gratitude exercise each day.

Choose a person, place and thing you are grateful that day for..

When we begin to bring gratitude for all those people, places and things which are supporting us without challenge, we begin to cultivate a New mind, new thought.

We begin to see the way master teachers throughout the ages have offered in their teachings. We begin to receive MORE of what we focus on. Gratitude begets more to be grateful for.


Love and light,

Lisa Ferraro

Founder and Spiritual Director


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