The true seer perceives their own soul as the silent witness, aloof from the body—the microcosm created by the cosmic vibratory force, Prakriti or Mother Nature. She alone is the performer of all physical and mental activities. (Yogananda)
The Changeless Witness is the human being who can remain centered in the Soul while the bodily form goes through experiences in this world of material creation.
The soul is actionless, the reflection of the transcendental, non-vibrational God the Infinite beyond creation. At times it can be difficult to remain centered in the soul. To experience being the pure reflection of the Infinite beyond creation requires some practice to say the least!
Here's a practice I created called The "I Am" practice. (tm)
Introspection-Or as I like to call it, Inner-Inspection. Less of me more of THEE.
By taking a few moments at the end of each day to contemplate our actions we can begin to notice if we are acting more from Infinite source or from the limitations of the ego self. By adopting this practice, more or less,(Pun intended) we begin to operate with a more awakened consciousness. Less of me, More of Thee of Divine Beloved.
Assess/Allow/Action/: Assess whatever information is gleaned from the inner inspection or introspection. Follow this up with opening to allow more divine guidance to flow into our consciousness, words and actions. Followed by taking the necessary steps to make the shift more permanent. Wisdom guided action and directing the will.
Meditation: As I say in my Spiritual lessons, "Meditation is the fastest way is to slow down." (LYF)
~Silent Meditation is the key to the silent speech of the Soul.
Sending you waves of peace and stillness as you experiment with I AM.
Staying centered is your new way of seeing, being and experiencing the Bliss of the Soul, that Changeless Witness.
Affirmation: "I am the Changeless, I am the Infinite. I am not a little mortal being with bones to break, a body that will perish. I am the deathless, changeless Infinite."